RPG | Shooter |


Website: nostale.co.uk
Status: Free To Play
Developer: Entwell
Publishers: Gameforge, CJInternet, Jaleco, Macrowell
Foreign Servers:
Fansite: NosCamp


Nos stands for Nomads of Silver Spirit and Nostale is the story of an adventure that takes place on East Mile, the continent of Nos. Nostale is an RPG based on 'growth and possession' in a cartoonish world, and it employs its own unique style of play. You will be introduced to a lovely world that is friendly yet distinctive and you'll be able to meet other gamers and forge friendships as you play.


In Nostale, players can make a 'fellowship' of three cool NPCs and 10 monsters, all from the NPCs and monsters they meet during play. They are like clones of the character so that the way that a player makes his or her Nosmate and plays the game will decide how the rest of the adventure and excitement will play out.

Time stone
'Time stone' is a private area created only for a player and his or her party members. Inside the Time stone, players and their party members can concentrate on missions and gameplay without having to worry about being disturbed by other players. Various Time stones and rewards are provided for each level.

Time circle
'Time circle' is a magical place existing only for battle between player characters. In this isolated place created by the Time circle take place a wide range of battles including 1:1 PvP, pet battles, fellowship battles, and infinite survival. Players participate in battles to become the true hero.


Adventurer Those who just joined the Noscamp may have no idea about the upcoming adventure and how dangerous it would be, but they can grow into the best Nos through passion and curiosity. Adventurers are like precious stones that can be refined into courageous, wise beings with infinite potential.
Swordsman Swordsmen are physically trained to fight in close combat. They are very courageous and adventurous. They always take the lead in battles and aggressively attack enemies. Swordsmen specialize in using swords, but can also use archery for remote attacks when the enemy is too distant to attack with a sword.
Archer Archers are trained to be speedy and perform well in fighting from a distance. They seem to be cold-hearted, but are actually very nature-loving and hold warmth deep inside their hearts. They have profound knowledge of venoms and know how to use natural energy. They use short arrows and carry daggers for close attacks. They're able to move fast to maintain their distance from enemies, and are also able to neutralize venom and use venom to inflict life threatening damage upon enemies.
Sorcerer Trained to use magical energy, sorcerers are also able to concentrate on one thing very deeply and may seem to be rather naïve and odd. In fact, sorcerers are very considerate and sensitive. Sorcerers usually use magic, but also carry spellguns to protect themselves. Spellgun changes magical energy into physical bullets for remote attacks. Sorcerers know how to help others and curse enemies using their magic.


Operating SystemWin 2000Win XP
CPUPentium III 800MHzPentium IV 1.2GHz
Video CardNVidia-GeForce2 MXATI 9000
NetworkHighspeed Internet Connection



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